Which profession suits me?
What is Career Guidance Counselling?
Vocational Guidance Counseling (VCO) helps the individual to realize
his abilities and skills, his professional interests, his knowledge
and his personality traits. In addition, it helps the interested party to choose
the direction he wants to follow, the profession that suits him best, to plan
and manage his career effectively and achieve greater balance
between his professional and personal life.
In what way is it done?
The career guidance program takes place in sessions and utilizes
the most modern, valid and reliable investigative tools and theoretical models.
The most basic test administered is the professional interests test, while
supplementary and additional investigative tests may be used on a case-by-case basis
which have to do with the abilities and characteristics of each individual personality.
How many sessions will I need?
The individual counseling session lasts 1 hour and takes place on a weekly basis.
The number of sessions varies depending on the issue the person is dealing with
also addresses the progress of the consultation process.
Target Audience;
It is aimed at high school students, students and professionals.
Do you have any questions?
"Knowing yourself, you will make the best choice"!
Valia Kanelaki
Counseling & Career Guidance
Career Guidance and Counseling European University of Cyprus